281 Communications Corporation Inc.
Health precautions for staff and clients
Hello, I wanted to just say a few words about policies implemented at 281 Internet over the last week and moving forward to both protect our teams health, your health, and your Internet; your lifeline to the world in this time of self quarantines and hunkering down.
281 team members will avoid direct contact with clients, and will only enter your home if you first clear the area they are to enter of your family and pets, and any personal items. Please specify a path and talk with us from another room. Please honor this request to help protect both you, our staff, and your fellow 281 client family during this difficult time. It is important for us to keep a safe distance in order to maintain our health so we can continue to keep your Internet running.
As always 281 team members will continue to monitor our network and answer your texts, emails, and phone calls. We are continuing to perform work on our equipment at towers and at your homes and businesses.
I further ask that if you have Clorox wipes or similar product to wipe down any area or surfaces that we might touch working on your equipment before and after we come in. We will also avoid touching your remotes, keyboards, mice, tablets, and phones. While we want to insure you can access the Internet from everything in your home through 281's Internet, it is also prudent to limit contact with the surfaces you will touch before and after we are in your home to avoid spread of germs and viruses during the time of heightened precautions recommended by the CDC.
Please direct a 281 staff member that enters you home to a guest bathroom upon entering and leaving your home where they may wash their hands.
Please do not schedule a visit if you or someone in your home is experiencing the symptoms outlined by the CDC to potentially be coronavirus. It would be detrimental to all of 281 should our staff have to become quarantined! Part of 281's ability to provide you with Internet is our ability to go to towers and your homes and businesses to repair or adjust equipment.
Thank you for you assistance. I know I speak for everyone here at 281 Communications when I say we hope you stay well, and avoid contact with this new virus spreading across the country and our communities. We are going to do everything in our power to help keep you safe while we also work to keep you connected.
Tim Moczygemba, President
281 Communications Corporation Inc.
As always 281 team members will continue to monitor our network and answer your texts, emails, and phone calls. We are continuing to perform work on our equipment at towers and at your homes and businesses.
I further ask that if you have Clorox wipes or similar product to wipe down any area or surfaces that we might touch working on your equipment before and after we come in. We will also avoid touching your remotes, keyboards, mice, tablets, and phones. While we want to insure you can access the Internet from everything in your home through 281's Internet, it is also prudent to limit contact with the surfaces you will touch before and after we are in your home to avoid spread of germs and viruses during the time of heightened precautions recommended by the CDC.
Please direct a 281 staff member that enters you home to a guest bathroom upon entering and leaving your home where they may wash their hands.
Please do not schedule a visit if you or someone in your home is experiencing the symptoms outlined by the CDC to potentially be coronavirus. It would be detrimental to all of 281 should our staff have to become quarantined! Part of 281's ability to provide you with Internet is our ability to go to towers and your homes and businesses to repair or adjust equipment.
Thank you for you assistance. I know I speak for everyone here at 281 Communications when I say we hope you stay well, and avoid contact with this new virus spreading across the country and our communities. We are going to do everything in our power to help keep you safe while we also work to keep you connected.
Tim Moczygemba, President
281 Communications Corporation Inc.
Thank you !