Friday, January 21, 2022

281 Communications brings 6 GHz to the Highland Lakes!

The FCC has granted 281 Communications Corporation Inc. on January 20th, 2022 a license to deploy 6 GHz frequency range 5.850GHz to 6.425GHz.

This new capability will allow 281 to upgrade clients to this frequency range where there is less noise, bringing faster speeds and lower latency across our networks.

We are excited to have another frequency to work with as the area continues to grow.  It is becoming more challenging to continue to add new clients in our crowded air space.  Having new frequencies and technologies allows 281 to continue to bring a better Internet experience everywhere around the Highland Lakes.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

281 Internet rings in the New Year! Welcome 2022


Exciting new 281 Capabilities!

281 Communications Corporation Inc. has finally received it's 10 gigabit fiber!  Over the coming weeks 281 will be receiving it's own Autonomous System Number from ARIN, implementing BGP between it's two fiber upstreams, and implementing this new capability into the 281 Internet network.

Having two fiber upstreams coming into different points on our network gives 281 redundancy.  This is called being multihomed.  When there is a fiber outage with one our upstreams, they system will automatically reroute all 281 clients traffic through the other.  When both are working, the traffic will route through the best route, so it's even possible and likely that at times you may go out one fiber and receive your requested Internet resource back through the other fiber.

Having multiple paths to places on the Internet will lower latency across our entire network in addition to providing redundancy.  The entire 281 team is excited to get this new capability implemented!

Growing pains! Why is my video stream buffering?

281 Communinications Corporation Inc. is expanding it's network and increasing it's backhauls to keep up with the ever increasing de...