Saturday, September 5, 2020

281Internet increasing it's capacity by 1000% with new 10 Gbit Fiber Circuit


Tim@281 just completed a contract to receive a 10 Gbit link through FiberOne directly into one of the worlds well connected data centers in Dallas TX at 1950 N Stemmons Fwy.  We will receive the new circuit in 90-120 days and after testing and implementation, should be online for the 281 network and it's growing clientele by March 1st, 2021.

Not only will this new link increase 281's capacity by 1000%, latency to everywhere around the globe across the Internet will dramatically improve since this circuit is a direct fiber link to this major data center in Dallas with peering to most every major carrier.

This circuit is being delivered to one of 281's towers so that it will also give the network two geographically different circuits both in their location on 281's network, but also to which data centers in two different cities they are connected to.

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